Sunday, January 18, 2015


My name is Matt Buxton. I am 31 years old and live in Canton, MI. Although I have always been interested in aviation my route to get here has not been direct.  I earned my first bachelors in Criminal Justice from University of Michigan after discovering that I was not cut out to pursue my original choice of Aerospace Engineering. I continued my education in Law School at Michigan State.  After passing the MI State Bar I realized that a career in law was not for me and ended up at a job that I disliked immensely.

                I am currently working on my second bachelors at EMU in Aviation Flight Technology.  I will hopefully earn my commercial certificate within the next couple of weeks.  My plan is to get my CFI so I can build up hours without draining the bank account so much. Once I get enough hours I hope to work at a regional airline to gain experience and hours. I have not decided if I would rather stick with the airlines or try corporate aviation.

                Aviation is my dream career.  I like that it is challenging and often requires problem solving skills. It mixes analytical thinking with practical skills which keeps things interesting.  Although it can be tough and occasionally frustrating (I’ve been waiting for acceptable weather to complete my stage check for over a month), the payoff is infinitely more rewarding than my old 9-5 office job. 

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